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Turkish Scholars and their works, Chronological: 100 Scholars + 1000 Books

who read who wrote who read who wrote Who would untie this knot The sheep used to travel with the wolf If the idea is no other The sheep...

TuerQin Innovations

The Turks, who have come from the Far East to the Middle East in thousands of years and are now more indexed to the...

Homeros: What Do Antique Anatolians Tell Us On: Olive, Olive Trees and Olive Oil

Homer book 2, card 734: ...And they that held Ormenius and the fountain Hypereia, and that held Asterium and the white crests of Titanus, these...

Herodotus: hat Do Antique Anatolians Tell Us On: Olive, Olive Trees and Olive Oil

book 1, chapter 193: ... does not even try to bear trees, fig, vine, or olive, but Demeter 's grain is so abundant there book 1,...


  Diogenes Epictetus Hippocrates Homeros Strabo Xenophon             Tragedy Yet another ancient reference for leather is the famous Greek Theatre where, especially in...

Water Brotherhood

The Sumerian texts constitute man’s oldest known written documents and in the Gilgamesh Epic the term “Garden of the Sun” was used to signify...

Water and Human Civilisation

WATER AND HUMAN CIVILISATION The Sumerian texts constitute man's oldest known written documents and in the Gilgamesh Epic the term "Garden of the Sun" was...

Cultural Exchange Between Turks and Chinese

  By Levent Ağaoğlu, Hong Kong, October 29, 1998 Here I stand, watching the sun, which is about to rise from the East… Just as I...

Rivers, Lakes

Van is a large natural lake in eastern Turkey. Beyşehir, Salt (Tuz), and Eğridir are lakes in central Turkey. Climate The contrasts of climate and geography...

Religious Heritage of Turkey

Turkey has lots of places that have had continuing and diverse religious interest from very earliest times. This is a land of great physical...

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