Africa Continent and Turkish Language

Levent Ağaoğlu – First of all, thank you to ASAM and then to you, Mr. Ömer. Because you brought Africa to our feet. Actually, we don’t see Africa in Eurasia One Foundation, but I read it as “Eurasia Africa One Foundation”. I’m going to ask one question so as not to waste your time.
The question is: Gentlemen, the younger brothers speak Turkish very well. When we say Africa, Evliya Çelebi’s Efrikiye is the continent where Tolunogullari founded the first Muslim Turkish state in Egypt in 870.
The first person to speak in human history was an African. But then Europe ignored Africa, glorified its own existence, destroyed other people’s identities, languages, and began to speak English and French. Language is a leadership, a state.
Now the African language is not an Indo-European language, but has another linguistic structure. Could there be a predisposition between languages ​​because they speak Turkish very well? If it is not difficult for them to speak Turkish, I think it is necessary to invest in it.
Did you have any difficulties in learning a language?
Abdu Djamanca – No, now an African country of one and a half million people, but more than thirty tribes and local languages. We see the richness of this as academics. Why, when I was a kid I had friends from more than five different languages. Naturally, I know 5 languages. It also has an effect when learning Turkish, English, French, German, and Chinese. So this is advantage.
Ali Ferah – A person in Africa speaks more than one language. Secondly, Turkish is not an easy language, it is a difficult language. One of the reasons for this is that there were no Turkish books prepared for foreigners to learn Turkish 15 years ago. Therefore, academics are working on it recently. And the Turkish books they prepared for foreigners began to be published. Another reason is that the more you socialize with the society, the better and smoother you will speak Turkish. This is also very important. I don’t know, we still can’t claim that we speak Turkish very well.
Prof.Dr.Ömer Özkan– Wherever we go in the world, we encounter this language problem. There is the famous Rustem Pasha Mosque in Bosnia. We have a hug with his imam, our language is not common, but our eyes tell a lot. You say, “Oh Ottoman, if you could see these days”. Now at least it started with Yunus Emre, but it is not enough. I was in Sudan last week. One or two classes are opened, they say that even if a hundred classes are opened, a hundred students are ready. So someone needs to act much faster on this issue. We also have a lot of ready-made Turkish language teachers, we give ready-made Turkish Language graduates from Open Education. We need to act much, much faster on this.
Ahmet Üseni– I want to say one sentence. My teacher said, “We are a poor country in the Republic of Turkey, why do we give these fifty thousand African children to us, and we are under poverty here”. I want to mention something like this. For example, at this conference, we all speak Turkish. Doesn’t this have any use for the Republic of Turkey? It is useful. In fact, sometimes, while chatting with my Turkish brothers, they say that we were in Africa during the Ottoman period. But we did not colonize in Africa. I say, okay, you did a good thing, but from my perspective, you made a big mistake in the Ottoman period. Which mistake? You were there in Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt. You may not colonize, but why didn’t you teach your language? Now you want to know the situation in Congo. We have a brother Ahmet in Congo. “Ahmed brother,What is the situation in Congo? I am speaking in your language. But it wasn’t like that at that time. I wanted to talk about this sentence.
– We apologize for that sentence. You have a place over our heads.


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