Abu Abdullah Muhammed Al-Khorezmi (780–850): He is from Khwarezm (Uzbekistan). He worked in Baghdad. He systematized and named algebra. He contributed to the global...
İnsan, Musevi, Katolik, Protestan, Alman veya İtalyan olduğu için değil, insan olduğu için insandır. Hegel.
Hukuk Felsefesinin Prensipleri ss.209
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Devotion (raga) is a modification of the mind that follows the emergence of knowledge of pleasure.
With the disappearance of the veil and imperfection of...
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If it exists through violence, that person is not good; On the other hand, the person who keeps the law, who exists intelligently,...
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Doubt is the origin of wisdom
Never say no twice if you...
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“What you seek is seeking you.” Rumi or originally known as Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī, was a 13th-century evergreen and ever-famous Turkish poet, Islamic...
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