HomeBEYOND TURKEYTurkish Scholars: South Asia

Turkish Scholars: South Asia

  1. EBU HANİFE  699-767 Mesopotamia Küfe IRAK Islam If what I don’t know was under my feet, my head would touch the highest floor of the sky. Those who gave us direction, his great grandfather is from Uzbekistan https://tr.wikiquote.org/wiki/Abu_HanifeTirmiz The descendants of Abu Hanife went to Iraq.
  2. MUSA EL HAREZMİ first 780-850 Maveraünnehir Hive, Uzbekistan Uzbekistan Mathematics, Astronomy Musa Al-Khorezmi “Sultan of the House of Wisdom”guided us, alatlı http://www.ihsanfazlioglu.net/yayinlar/makaleler/1.php?id=94
  3. EL BIRUNI first 973-1048 Maveraünnehir Kas, Khwarezm, Iran Iran Astronomy, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Geography and History El Biruni “A Universal Genius”guided us, alatlı http://dergiler.ankara.edu.tr/dergiler/37/772/9830.pdf Biruni 30 He traveled continuously from Ghazni to India throughout the year. He wrote the book of Hindi.
  4. HÜCVİRİ d.1072 Gazne “Afghanistan laid the foundations of Indian Sufism.
  5. MEVLANA 1207-1273 Khorasan Belh, Afghanistan Afghanistan Sufi Mystic Didn’t we love the Creator without seeing? Mesnevî, which is one of the most important and most beautiful literary and mystical works of classical Eastern literature, consists of 6 volumes called notebooks. It is a work written by Hüsameddin Çelebi, sung in the last fifteen years of Mevlânâ’s life, who migrated from the city of Belh where he was born and resided in Konya, one of the central cities of Anatolia, and voiced the truth to all humanity from there. Mesnevî, which is one of the rare works that has survived until today without losing anything of its value since the 13th century when it was said and written, continues to maintain its influence on large masses all over the world and to be read in various languages ​​today. The number of languages ​​it has been translated into and the commentaries made on it show its scope and level of fame.Even today, Mesnevî, who carries the secret of the purpose of creation, resonates in every heart, and moves the minds with the ability to think on the summits of contemplation; One of the oldest manuscripts, which was copied 100 years after the death of Mevlana, Süleymaniye Manuscript Library, Halet Efendi, with the facsimile of the copy registered at 171. Dr. Derya Ors – Prof. Dr. It has been translated and prepared for publication by Hicabi Kırşığı. From Belh, Mevlana went to Konya.Derya Ors – Prof. Dr. It has been translated and prepared for publication by Hicabi Kırşığı. From Belh, Mevlana went to Konya.Derya Ors – Prof. Dr. It has been translated and prepared for publication by Hicabi Kırşığı. From Belh, Mevlana went to Konya.
  6. ALI ŞİR NEVAİ 1441-1501 Maveraünnehir Herat, Afghanistan Afghanistan Literature Ali Şir Nevai “The Poet Who Named a Language”

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