Turkish Scholars: Bursa

Bursa has produced 5 great Thinkers:

  • Mullah Fenari
  • Kadızadei Rumi
  • Hodja Sinan Pasha
  • Taşköprülüzade Ahmet
  • Bursalı Mehmed Tahir Bey


MOLLA FENARI   1350-1430 Transoxiana Khorasan Religious Scholar, Scientist, Müderris, First Mufti/Sheikh al-Islam of the Ottoman Empire. dy 1350, Transoxiana – d. 1430, Bursa), http://dergiler.ankara.edu.tr/dergiler/37/782/10064.pdf Fahreddin Râzî is a thinker who took lessons from the representatives of his school and placed this influence in the Ottoman madrasa system. He was the first to introduce Aristotle in Anatolia. He annotated Isagoci under the name of Fevâidü’l-Fenari. His works are Fusûli’l-bedayi fi usuli’ş-şerai, Risâle fi declaration-i vahdet-i body, Risâle fi’t-tasawwuf.13 He was an influential thinker in the spread of the idea of ​​unity in the Ottomans. He also wrote an instruction to Şerhü’l-Mevâkıf.1 Molla Fenari Bibliography http://leventagaoglu.blogspot.com.tr/2017/02/molla-fenari-kaynakcas.html

KADIZADE RUMİ  1364-1436 Anadolu Bursa Turkey Astronomer and Mathematician reference: katip celebi also praises the discovery. Source: http://www.ihsanfazlioglu.net/yayinlar/makaleler/1.php?id=174

TURSUN BEY    1426-1491 Anadolu Bursa Turkey In the last years of his life, he wrote his work titled “Tarihü’l Ebul Feth”. Starting from the First Culus Ceremony of Fatih in 1444, This Work is the .48th Anniversary of Ottoman History. It is quite important and valuable in terms of being a book that tells firsthand the 44 years of its development phase. Source: Istanbul’s 100 scientists and intellectuals

Hayâlî Ahmed Efendi    1426-1470 Anatolian İznik, Bursa Turkish religious scholar (İznik 1426 -Bursa 1470). There is no detailed information about his life. Among his many works, the main ones are; Haşiye-i şerh-i akaid about Islamic beliefs, Haşiyet ül-feraiz about Allah’s commands, Talikat-i ali evail-i isolation on fiqh. He wrote annotations and annotations instead of giving independent works. He became famous with the annotation he wrote to Taftazani’s Şerhu’l Akaid and the commentary he wrote to Hızır Bey’s Kaside-i nûniyye.1

HOCA SINAN PASHA   1440-1486 Anatolian Bursa Turkey Fatih Era Scholars, Pioneer of Divan Prose and Mathematics Scholar. He was born in 1440 in Bursa. His father is the famous Hızır Bey, who served as the first judge of Istanbul. He is a thinker belonging to the Molla Fanari school and is accepted as the representative of philosophical theology. In his youth, he was interested in ancient Greek philosophy. He even turned to Sufism when his father, Hızır Bey, was angry because he had a tendency to shift towards septicism for a while. He wrote an annotation for the ‘cewahir’ part of Cürcânî’s Şerhu’l- Mevâkıf. He has important works such as Hâşiye ala şerh-i Çağmini, Maarifname, Hâşiye alâ nihayetü’l-idrak fi dirayeti’l-eflak, Akaid, Risale fi Eşkali’llezi uride fi havassi wisdomi’l-ayn fi bahsi’l-cihet. Source: Istanbul’s 100 scientists and intellectuals

TAŞKÖPRÜLUZADE AHMETfirst 1494-1561 Anadolu Bursa Turkey The First Historian of Science, The First Encyclopedia Writer ‘An hour of debate is better than a month’s discussion. ” https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kategori:%C4%B0slam_alimleri http://www.turkiyegazetesi.com.tr/vehbi-tulek/335835.aspx in various fields such as tafsir, theology, education, literature, biography produced important works. He is one of the authors who best reveals the Ottoman science understanding. In his work called Eş-Şakâiku’n-nu’maniyye fî ulemai’d Devleti’l-Osmâniyye, he wrote down the lives and works of 502 Ottoman scholars who lived from Osman Gazi to the end of the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent. At the end of his work, the thinker, who tells about the childhood, youth and maturity periods of his life with his own pen, also gives detailed information about the courses and books he read while he was a student and taught in his professorship.55 This information contains important information about the mentality of that period.

Hocazade   Ö1489 Anadolu Bursa Turkey http://www.filozof.net/Turkce/islam-filozoflari/21525-hocazade-muslihiddin-mustafa-kimdir-hayati-eserleri-hakkinda-bilgi.html By the order of Fatih Sultan Mehmed Tehâfütü’l-felâsife He gained fame by writing his work. In his work, he did not hesitate to oppose Ghazali and other theologians with his independent line of thought. This is one of the results that led to the revival of philosophy.26 Hocazade’s Tahafütü is an important effort to break prejudices and develop philosophical thought. The importance given to this work by the madrasa scholars and Fatih led to the revival of philosophy.27 Hocazade, who grew up during the reign of the Three Sultans, trained many students such as Molla Bahaeddin, Molla Sirajeddin, Kadızade Kudbüddin Mehmed and Mirim Çelebi. Although Hocazâde is a theologian, he is not prejudiced against philosophers.

KUTBEDDİN İZNİKΠ ……-1418 Anatolian Bursa, Iznik Turkey Religious Scholar, Sufi

Abdurrahman Bistami  Ö1454 Anatolian Antakya Mathematician, physician, scholar, hurûfî. Sufi author, known for his works on the magical functions of letters and esoteric subjects such as cifr, alchemy, and vefk, in addition to his Sufi and historical works. He was born in Antakya. Desiring to grow up in Islamic sciences, he traveled to various science centers. M. Smith, without citing the source, states that Bistami may have seen the sack of Aleppo by Timur in 803 (1401) (EI² [Fr.], I, 1286). Bistami, who later went to Cairo, trained himself in fields such as alchemy, medicine and history, as well as religious sciences. It is not clear when he went to Bursa, which was the most important scientific and cultural center of the Ottomans at that time. Here, II., known for patronizing scholars. He won the interest and favor of Murad; He dedicated some of his works to her and died in this city. Source http://www.ihsanfazlioglu.net/publications/articles/1.php?id=167

Mullah Hafiz Ö1550 Azerbaijan Ganja, Berda Azerbaijan He became famous as Hafiz Acem in the Ottoman Empire. His real name is Mehmed b. Ahmed, was born in the town of Berda in the Ganja province of Azerbaijan. He completed his education in Tabriz, then took refuge in the Ottoman Empire and settled in Amasya. In the meantime, he had the opportunity to meet with the prince Sultan Selim, who was the governor of Trabzon, and to participate in his conversations and gained his respect, and therefore he was given the professorship of Amasya Ali Pasha Madrasah. In addition, he entered the service of Mu’id-zâde Abdurrahman Efendi and took lessons from him and some other scholars. After gaining the appreciation of the Ottoman ulema, he began to be known more. One of the characteristics of Hâfız Acem is that he rose by changing the madrasah frequently and presented a few works in every madrasah change.This situation means that he gains confidence and at the same time gives confidence. Through Mu’id-zâde Abdurrahman Efendi, II. He had the opportunity to meet with Bayezid, then he had the opportunity to teach in Ankara, Merzifon, Istanbul Ali Pasha, Iznik and finally Hagia Sophia Madrasah. He wrote the works named Noktatü’l‐ilm, Fihristü’l‐ ulûm, Maarîkû’l‐ketaib, Seb’a‐ı seyyare, Tuhfetü’l‐mestur, Tercüme-i Timurnâme, Ta’likat, Risâletü’l-pen. He wrote annotations for some parts of Cürcânî’s Mevâkıf. He has a work called Risaletü’l-Heyulâ. He wrote a commentary on Tecrid called Muhâkemâtü’t-tecrîdiyye. In his work called Medinetü’l-ilm, he expressed his objections to people such as Beydavî, Taftazânî, and Cürcânî. Charitable commentary,He has many works and poems such as Ahlâk-ı Adudiyye Commentary, Pend-i Attar Commentary, Kenzü’l-Ummal summary, Kuduri Translation, Molla Cami’s translation of Levayih, Bursalı Dede Efendi’s translation of Politics-i Şer’iyye.

Fâzıl Ali Bey[Ali el-İznikî]   d1608 Anadolu Bursa, Iznik Chemist, scholar-philosopher. http://www.biografya.com/biografi/4896 http://www.ihsanfazlioglu.net/yayinlar/makaleler/1.php?id=31

ALİ MÜNŞÎ    ?-1733 Anatolia Bursa Turkey One of the Most Famous Physicians, Pharmacists and Laboratories of the Ottoman Era, Ali Münşî was born in Istanbul as a member of the Menteşezâde Family who had trained many scholars in the 1680s; However, he was known as Bursalı Ali Efendi because he stayed in Bursa for a long time and did his education here. Physician who translated from foreign languages ​​by writing books on various diseases. Ali Münşi, who knows Eastern and Western languages, wrote Cerrahname in the name of Darü’s-Saade Ağa Beşir Ağa. His work named Bidayetü’l-Mübtedi (1731), in which he gives the formulas and tariffs of compound drugs in alphabetical order, is important in the history of medicine in terms of mentioning the medicinal properties of mineral waters. Source: Istanbul’s 100 scientists and intellectuals

BURSALI MEHMED TAHIR BEY , 1861-1925 Anadolu Bursa Turkey (B. November 22, 1861, Bursa – D. October 28, 1925, Istanbul), Turkish Writer, Researcher, Soldier. Especially Known for “Ottoman Authors” Encyclopedic Source Book Containing Biography and Bibliography . The work continues to be accepted as a basic reference in its field today. HE ATTENDED IN 1908-1912 OTTOMAN ASSEMBLY AS DEPUTY OF BURSA. m.friendfeed-media.com/ec8e88c5ea79d0f9385131ac9c854d2b330e06d0

BEHİCE BORAN   1910-1987 Anadolu Bursa Turkey Last Chairman of the Turkish Workers’ Party, Politician, Academician and Sociologist. 2nd

MUAZZEZ ILMİYE CIG 1914-  …… Anatolia Bursa Turkey Sumerologist

DOĞAN AVCIOĞLU   1926-1983 Anadolu Bursa Turkey Journalist, Writer, Thinker and Politician.

ÖMER TUĞRUL İNANÇER   1946-….. Anadolu Bursa Turkey Sufi, Musician

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