Greek Philosophers

© Copyright photo by Levent Ağaoğlu, Didyma, Aegean Turkey, 1975

Aeschylus (525-456 BC) Ancient Greek Philosopher, poet of tragedy
Aisopos: Ancient Greek fairy tale writer (around 570 BC)
Alcmeon (VI. Century BC) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Alkidamas (IV. Century BC) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Amphidos or Amphis (IV. Century BC) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Antiphanes: Ancient Greek poet, comedy writer (408/5?-334/1? BC)
Antiphon (480-411) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Antisthenes (444-365 BC) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Apollonius, Rhodesian: Ancient Greek orator and poet (222-181 BC)
Aristippos (435-366/355 BC) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Aristophanes (448/445 – 388/385 BC) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Aristotle (384-322 BC) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Arkhilokos: Ancient Greek poet and satirist (VII century BC)
Astydamas (IV. Century BC) Ancient Greek Philosopher

Bias (625-520 BC) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Bias of Priene, Priene (Söke, Aydın)

Bion: Ancient Greek Poet. (300?-100 BC)

Chilon (VI. Century BC) Ancient Greek Philosopher

Cleobulos (VI. Century BC) Ancient Greek Philosopher

Democritus (460-370 BC) Ancient Greek Philosopher, Teos (today’s Sığacık, south of Urla), Aegean Turkey
Demosthenes: Greek orator (385-322 BC)
Diogenes Laertios (Approx. III century AD) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Diogenes: Ancient Greek philosopher (412-323)
Diphilos (Approx. IV.-III. Century BC) Ancient Greek Philosopher

Epicharmus (540-450 BC) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Epictetus (AD.40-125) Ancient Greek Philosopher, Pamukkale, Aegean Turkey
Epicurus: Ancient Greek philosopher (342-270 BC)
Euripides: Ancient Greek playwright (480-406 BC)

Herodotus: Ancient Greek historian (484-424 BC?), Halicarnassus, Aegean Turkey
Hesiod: Ancient Greek poet (8th century BC)
Hippocrates: Ancient Greek physician (460-357 BC)
Homer: Ancient Greek epic poet (8th century BC), Ionia, Aegean Turkey

Iamblikhos (IV. Century AD) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Isocrates (436-338 BC) Ancient Greek Philosopher

Kleanthes (331-232 BC) Ancient Greek Philosopher, Assos in the area of Troy (Behramköy), Aegean Turkey
Kritias (V. Century BC) Ancient Greek Philosopher

Luke, ancient Greek satirist (120-180)
Lysias (445-380 BC) Ancient Greek Philosopher

Menander: Ancient Greek poet (342-291 BC)
Mimnermus: Ancient Greek poet (630-600 BC)
Mousonios (1st Century BC) Ancient Greek Philosopher

Pausanias (II century AD) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Periandros (668-585 BC) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Periandros of Corinth, Ancient Greek Philosopher
Phaborinos (II. Century AD) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Phaedrus (Phaedrus) (BC. 15-1 / AD.54/68) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Philemon (361-262 BC) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Phokylides (VI. Century BC) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Pindaros (522/518-446) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Pittacus: Ancient Greek poet, one of the seven judges (652-569 BC)
Pittakos (648-569 BC) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Pittakos of Lesbos, Ancient Greek Philosopher
Plato (Plato): Ancient Greek philosopher (428-347 BC)
Plutarch: Ancient Greek moralist and biographer (around 66)
Pythagoras (VI. Century BC) Ancient Greek Philosopher

Sappho: Ancient Greek poetess (612-?)
Simonides (556-467 BC) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Socrates: Ancient Greek philosopher (469-399 BC)
Solon (640-558 BC) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Sophocles: Ancient Greek tragic poet and playwright (495-406 BC)
Stobaios (ISVCentury) Ancient Greek Philosopher

Thales of Miletus (624-545 BC) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Theages (VI Century BC) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Themistocles: Athenian statesman, orator (514?-449 BC)
Theognis (Approx. VII Century BC) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Theokritos (3rd Century BC) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Thucydides (460-440 BC) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Timokreon (V. Century BC) Ancient Greek Philosopher

Xenophanes (570-475 BC) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Xenophon (430-355 BC) Ancient Greek Philosopher

Note: Ancient Greek Philosophers written in bold were born in Turkey geography

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