HomeREADERSArt & CultureBlue Beads of Turkey....

Blue Beads of Turkey….

Blue Beads is the map of Turks’ more than 25 thousand Cultural Heritage in the World.

From our Swedish Harapana martyrdom to the Ottoman Mosque in South Africa; From our Mexican Clock Tower to our martyrdom in Japan; Our ancestral works in four directions, from East to West, from North to South, 35 thousand kilometers, are the TURKISH BELT that adorns the worlds.


25bini aşkın Kültür Mirasımızın haritasıdır, Mavi Boncuklar.

İsveç Harapana şehitliğimizden, Güney Afrika‘daki Osmanlı Camiine; Meksika Saat kulemizden Japonya‘daki şehitliğimize; dört yöndeki ecdad eserlerimiz Doğu’dan Batı’ya Kuzey’den Güney’e 35bin kilometre TÜRK KUŞAĞI‘dır dünyayı dolanan Alemleri bezeyen


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