Turkish Belt

“Then we have to remember that the Turks surrounded the world with the ring around the planet Saturn. There is continuity in the generation, not interruption. Unless we bring the continuity in time and ground to our minds, there is no day for us.

The strategy of the Turkish state should be the Turkish Belt. This strategy should be taught to all state administrators through Al Sancak-Red Belt training and a belt-wearing ceremony should be held.”

“Genetic). Wide Accumulation. Traveling (Planet). A person is also belted by being a veteran. Brain and Mastery. Hand. Waist. Tongue. Ancestors and grandfathers used to gird not only their waists but also their brains (wrapped turban etc.)”

Brain with Belt

The Turks also surrounded the world with a ring-like belt around the planet Saturn. There is continuity in the generation, not interruption. Unless we bring the continuity in time and ground to our minds, there is no day for us. The strategy of the Turkish state should be the Turkish Belt. This strategy should be taught to all state administrators through Al Sancak-Red Belt training and a belt-wearing ceremony should be held.

It is important that the works of a Turkish Belt that surround the world are museum-like, like The British Museum. While the Turkish belt phenomenon is real, China can talk about the Belt and Road Project. However, the Belt of China can only cross the borders of the People’s Republic of China with publicity and propaganda.

Turkish Belt

Turkish Belt, not the Turkish World. It is important that the TURKISH KENEŞİ, which started out as the five fingers of one hand, turns into a TURKISH BELT as soon as possible by traveling the whole world. Girdled will embrace. Relationships also gird the world. Turks living in 132 countries gave way to the formation of a Turkish Belt in the world.

While the term first appeared as a bond term in the Oguz Kagan Epic, it also showed itself in inscriptions and manuscripts. The concepts of World State in Farabi and Kut Belt in Kutadgu Bilig contain remarkable thoughts. Diaspora (Overseas Turks) and exonym (Foreign Turkish Yerads) gain importance when it comes to language.

The prevalence on the ground in terms of population and language has revealed the formation of a Turkish Belt. In addition, the compatibility with the civilizations on the ground has increased the prevalence even more. Similarly, although the Indians spread in the African continent and the Latins in South America, the Chinese could not spread and adapt outside their own countries except the USA.

The Turkish Belt has surrounded the world for 15,000 years with networks in activity that surpasses 5G technology, starting from Karahantepe and Göbeklitepe in Anatolia. It is the synthesis of 5G Networks of Turks Steppe (Step) and Agriculture Belt. Gaspirali, Galiyev and Gumilev in the list are Turkish intellectuals who have great influence on Russian Turkishness.

  • Göbeklitepe (9600-8200 BC)
  • Gokturk (552-744)
  • İsmail Gaspıralı, 1851-1914,
  • Sultan Galiyev 1880-1940
  • Lev Nikolayevich Gumilev (1912-1992)

Turkey ranks first among the countries that give place names in their own language in countries in geographies outside their countries. Placenames in 100 countries are described as Turkish.

In terms of language, the Turkish language is spoken in 43 countries. The Turks, who internalized the geographies from Manchuria to Hungary together with the Steppe Belt, included the Mesopotamia-Anatolian publication into their coverage together with the Agricultural Belt. When all these data are evaluated together, what emerges is not a Turkish World devoted to a limited geography, but a Turkish Belt that surrounds the world.

The great steppe has become the biggest school of the nations it hosts. The burning sun, freezing cold, deadly hurricanes, impassable mountains, impenetrable deserts have developed a will of steel in steppe people. Motun, Tonyukuk, Cengiz, Temür… These are the children of the steppe school. Source: Ali Akar. Twitter. June 2, 2020

Western historians attribute the Turks’ domination of the steppe to their ability to ride horses, draw bows, and shoot arrows. However, behind this domination, there were thousands of years of knowledge (mind), ukuş (understanding), bilig (knowledge). From these came the power of the bow, arrow, and spear. Source: Ali Akar. Twitter. 31 May 2020

It is sad to forget the inscriptions (Yenisey, Orkhon, Altay) written on stone in the areas from Manchuria to Mongolia and Hungary, starting from 1500 years ago, as if they were written on ice. To expand the delayed entry of the printing press, which was developed 500 years ago in the West, to our country is the ignorance of not knowing that the printing house actually existed in the Uyghurs and that the Turks started their printing business in the 800s and gave the first examples on this subject, which is an even sadder feeling.

5G: The Largest Networks of 12,000 Years…

Step Belt and Fertile Crescent


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