HomeMAINQuantum Wisdom. Aphorisms. Prof. İsmail Hakkı AYDIN

Quantum Wisdom. Aphorisms. Prof. İsmail Hakkı AYDIN

“Quantum entanglement” is an inherent nature of nature.

An atheist scientist is an atheist only until he understands quantum physics.

Artificial intelligence and quantum technologies must necessitate the redetermination of the concepts and principles of ethics, morality and law on a universal scale. Otherwise, the journey to very dangerous unknowns begins!

Artificial intelligence, the Quantum Age, transhumanism, neuronal engineering and nanobioneuro-technological developments may make the digital future no longer a prophecy and a dream, and may make war and malicious rule and dictatorship inevitable by armies of cyborg soldiers, whose brains are implanted with computers and chips that can transfer data and commands with power centres and their masters, some organs with artificial features, quantum cloaked human and robot combinations.

As quantum dynamics are realised, the universe and life become different.

Brains can be integrated into quantum computers! Hybrid humans and nanorobots will roam the streets! Let those who have common sense think about the fate!

Classical physics is a world of certainties, quantum is a world of uncertainties.

Cybernetics is the intersection of mathematics, physics, biology, medicine, genetics, electrical-electronics and computer engineering at the point of science and art, and has given a great impetus to robotic technology with the introduction of quantum technology.

Do those who plunder humanity realise that property is a lie, property is a lie… Does anyone understand quantum?

Five thousand qubit quantum computers (D-Wave 5000 Q), which can perform two over five thousand (25000) operations simultaneously, work trillions of times faster than the computers currently in use and process information recorded and stored equally on atoms, electrons and photons.

For the sake of truth and life, the door is the vortex, the lock is the black hole, and the key is the book in order to be purified in the “nothingness” of this quantum world, where the truth changes every moment and consists of frequencies, and to be purified by being immersed in the anaphora of knowledge, which is the sole existence of the ocean of truth, and to take up the evolvement and revelation of the universe and things!

Here is quantum for you! The more precisely the location and state of the smallest particle is determined, the less we know about its state in motion;

Hiss-i kabl’el vuku is the subject of neuroquantum!


I thought only “time” was real. On the edge of quantum, I learnt that time is not real either!

Ibn al-Muljam dreamt that his robe was torn and asked his master Hazrat Ali, who was aware of everything, about his fate. Punishment could not be imposed for a crime that had not been committed, quantum was not yet known, what could be the solution…

Ibn al-Muljam dreamt that his robe was torn and asked his master Hazrat Ali, who was aware of everything, about his fate. Punishment could not be imposed for a crime that had not been committed, quantum was not yet known, what could be the solution…

In the “Quantum Age”, where the quantum revolution opens its doors, life will be redefined and planned from nutrition, education, social relations and communication to travel and management, individuality and self-perception will change, and the algorithmic emotion matrix of human beings will be open to all kinds of external interventions and attacks like an “arithmetic multiplication table” perspective, The concept, order and feeling of the conventional family will disappear, bio-robotic beings similar to the “übermensch” (upper man) in Nietzsche’s terms will be able to experience “romantic romance and eroticism”, “romantic literature” and “art” will be born, and thanks to the world brain web (wbw) or global brain web (gbw), all kinds of multidisciplinary data and information will be owned and dominated, In the “post-human” (Q generation) period, “trans-human” transformations different from the human format will be possible, the doors of algorithmic delirium will be opened, everything existing in the universe and beings in other dimensions will be able to communicate, “tayy-i mekân, tayy-i zaman” and “temessül ve tecessüd” will cease to be dreams, “quantum medicine”, artificial-substitute organs, diagnosis, treatment and surgical modalities will break new ground, cyber walls and cyber worlds will be built in the cybernetic world and cyber universe formed by the Internet of Things, and a one-language, one-religion, one-universe state may emerge where the concepts of family, nationality, nation, state, homeland and religion are forgotten!

In the adventure of knowing the unknown, the key to the door of the unknown is hidden in the “quantum reality”!

In the Quantum Age, man himself is the interface…

In the quantum dervish lodge, with holistic dhikr, it is possible to “exist” and “disappear” with tayy-i space, tayy-i time, representation and tecessus, bi iznillah…

In the quantum world, after discovering frequencies, it is possible to change mental codes and transform new ideas into behaviour. Passionate, stubborn endeavour is required!

In the quantum world, electrons, neutrinos, up quarks and down quarks have a place, not periodic elements.

It will harass nations and states with various methods such as inflation, where data is collected from everywhere where there is electricity and there is no privacy left, where all kinds of information will be recorded and stored in quantum computers, and will force them to a hundred per cent controllable “world data state” and “false paradise project”!

Luck smiles on those who sweat through the mathematical sieve on the quantum horizon!

Nothing can express the helplessness and “nothingness” of human beings like quantum physics!

One way to believe in God is “quantum physics”.


Plants are like quantum computers.

Quantum computers that can simulate the universe mean unlimited power.

Quantum computers turn time inside out!

Quantum has also taught us that we are not alone anywhere, that we are being watched and recorded!

Quantum has solved “nothing”. “One” is confused in one woman!

Quantum in the simplest terms: Everything is a deception!

Quantum is unforgiving! Take everything, but don’t take a curse, don’t take a plague, don’t take a sigh!

Quantum is unforgiving! Take everything, but don’t take a curse, don’t take a plague, don’t take a sigh!

Quantum mechanics, which today is relatively trying to overcome classical physics, may also be overcome one day. “What a world!” Because there is no last stop in falsifiable science!

Quantum reveals the secrets and oddities of physics.

Quantum waves have forced classical mathematics to rebel.

Simulating molecules with quantum computers makes great breakthroughs in the fields of physics, chemistry and medicine, and by simulating the human body at the atomic level and identifying problems, the drugs required for pinpointing can be simulated instantly and planned at the atomic level without the need for years of research, contributing to production, and opening the doors to the simulation of the human being and even the universe!

Subatomic particles, especially bosons, are the particles that produce, store and transmit information independent of time and space at a speed of 2,800,000 km/sec and are the torchbearers of the “quantum computer”, making “zero” into “one” and “one” into “zero”.

The ascetic dervishes of the “Quantum Tekke” tell a story of eternal love.

The basic functions of the algorithmic beings and structures in the universe are organised not through large parts such as organs and organelles, but through the smallest structures at the quantum level.

The brain is a quantum computer operating according to the principles of quantum biology and physics.

The electron is a quantum particle, the photon is a quantum of light.

The future can change the results of the past. As a matter of fact, in quantum mechanics, the “future” can combine with the “past” to form the “knowledge of today”. Because “now” does not exist at all!

The holistic brain records every information holographically and holistically by converting it into electrical frequencies and wavelengths according to quantum principles, and makes these records visible in a multidimensional and mobile way when necessary.

The leak is quantum tunnelling!

The miracle is not quantum, but being able to act contrary to the principles of physics.

The monstrous global elite system will abolish cash money in order to keep track of everything, virtual money that can be scored and credited in virtual life, virtual money that can use the brain as an interface, a type of human being that can be reset and hacked, easy to control, those who are prone to commit crimes will be imprisoned by pre-detection, people will be sterilised by various methods and / or will be subjected to diseases and dependent on lifelong medication, all religions will be destroyed, only “digital God, digital temple and digital religion” will prevail,

The more precisely its state in motion is measured, the less information is available about its position! Everything is blurry, chaotic…

The most beautiful explanation of quantum biology is hidden in the migration of birds…

The principles of the supra-atomic world are called physics, and the principles of the subatomic world are called quantum!

The Quantum Age is an enigmatic age!

The Quantum Age is the “information network” in the world…

The quantum field is affected by the atmosphere of thought, intention and desire!

The quantum revolution, the work of quantology, has opened the doors of the “Quantum Age” in which classical positivism and determinist logic have been replaced by the cosmic and mystical thought that makes “zero” equal to “one”.

The quantum world is the world of those who believe by understanding! For the first time, Sufi physics and quantology set off arm in arm…The quantum world awaits our choice for the determination of our destiny and our responsibility!

The quantum world, which is much bigger than the universe, but too small to be seen, is a very different world with laws that are contrary to common sense, have no cause and effect relationship, and cannot be measured and observed with traditional (Newtonian rules) scientific principles!

The rationalist Plato is the first thinker of quantum thought.

The reign of the rifle, whose invention has ruined chivalry, will be destroyed by quantum weapons!

The secret of life lies in quantum!


The universe is a very intelligent cosmic realm, and like a quantum computer, it sees, hears and records everything at the speed of “ten over one hundred operations” per second! Behind this power is a vast, infinitely conscious and intelligent mind, a brain!

The universe, time and existence have been created according to the principles of a divine “quantum mathematics” and maintain their life and order within this framework.

To be able to understand the ability of objects to pass through impermeable barriers, to be in more than one place at the same time or to establish ghostly connections is only possible by being familiar with “quantum mechanics”, which is the basis of physical reality!

To the extent that we decipher the mathematical language of the universe, we will be acquainted with the secret of quantum.

To understand love is to understand quantum physics!

To understand sorrow? Leave me! Quantum is powerless.

We endeavour to learn the most perfect method of computation from atoms. For quantum computers and quantum information production, we are at the mercy of atomic teachers!

What makes life meaningful in the state of nothingness is to be always moving and active like “quantum vacuum waves”! Just as the Holy Qur’an does not speak of stagnation, retirement and holidays.

Whatever there is algorithmic in the world, many quantum events are taking place in all of them at every moment, photons, the fundamental particle of quantum, continue to transfer energy as much as the product of its frequency with Planck’s constant for each moment, transfer electrons and obtain energy at the cellular level in our body, and form our brain, mind, memory, dignity, honour, identity and most importantly, our “I”!

When physics fails, quantum comes to the rescue!

When they learnt quantum physics, ignorant people who think themselves to be enlightened realised that the dervishes whom they ridiculed as dervishes in tzariks were true intellectuals!

With quantum computers, which we regard as unlimited power, proteins, molecules, drugs and everything can be simulated, and research that would take years can be finalised in a very short time and put into the service of life.

With the technological singularity of quantum computers, transhumanism, epigenetics and gene engineering, it will not be possible to distinguish between man, machine and virtual reality! Look for a “human” and you will find one!


Source: Aforizmalarım. PROF. DR. ISMAİL HAKKI AYDIN

© Girdap Kitap1st Edition: January 2023


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