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Kemal Ataturk, Human Value


Through which processes, Mustafa Kemal, the grandson of Haci Ahmet Efendi from Kocacik (Macedonia), had taken his place in our hearts as Ataturk, who became the ancestor of the Turks. What we feel lacking is the sadness caused by the fact that the References filtered from Atatürk’s words, speeches, orders and statements exceeding 10,000 pages in 30 volumes have not yet been formed.

“The third important character of genius is the power of composition and synthesis. They create brand-new, original compositions, lively and unique syntheses by understanding the mortal materials, life and spirits that geniuses give to the hands of nature. Atatürk came into the hands of Turkey, Turkey’s bankruptcy move that was formerly Empire. Ataturk’s Turkey him to compose this new beginning of a beautiful work of art, vibrant, strong, attractive, has become a beautiful thing. No date and no nation ‘Ataturk’s Turkey’ up to one and all who think, hear, and see a functioning human community. Atatürk was the creative beginning of this Turkish synthesis. ” Ismayıl Hakkı Baltacıoğlu, “What is Dehâ?” Today, (22 November 1938).

During the 15 years before the War of Independence and the 15 years after the Resurrection period, Atatürk is a genius who unites people around the goals in one piece. Although the goals differ during times of war and peace, it did not matter for Atatürk. The secret of Atatürk Tables is to benefit from people’s ideas and to activate their energies.

Atatürk’s ideals were to follow and raise the people whose talents he discovered, to send them abroad as a spark and wait for them to return to a fireball.

It is always in the public. He travels around Anatolia and expresses his feelings by saying “the people want to be rich” on his return. His love was to make the camellers who were carrying all kinds of vehicles of the army in Anatolia, which had no way in the War of Independence, the masters of the country. Raising people has always been an indispensable passion.

“At the forefront of innovation in Ataturk’s Republic of Turkey, it is removed and replaced in the middle of the world’s oldest gay-personal relationships I longed personal income docking mechanisms. We know that this does not happen completely, as all “new” depends on “old”. Naturally, “personality” would show itself in reforms made by the efforts of a leader. But Ataturk’s “ideal of Turkey, not personal relationships, it is very clear that the institutions associated consider it as a new Turkey where the dominant dignity. Speeches and statements that prove it is found in many opinions.”

It has been approached in terms of the importance Atatürk gave to human in his human resources and management approach. By putting the tip of the compass in the traces of our founder, the “human” leg of the Liberation and Establishment process, the phenomenon of transition from “servitude to humanity” has been examined in the light of him.

The features of Atatürk’s approach to events and people in his speeches in various dates and places were analyzed in the study. Atatürk’s vast culture and Human Value, which is the most basic yeast of our country, exceeding ten thousand years, were evaluated as the most important factor.

In the 21st century, leadership will be the one who has knowledge and interprets it correctly. In the new period, countries that manage knowledge best, evaluate people best and continuously strengthen them will be ahead. The 21st century will be an age in which people’s creative ideas are developed and collaborated around these ideas, and our country will bear the traces of the value given to human by its founder, along with the values ​​it was founded upon.

It will be seen that the importance given to “human” in the values ​​of the foundation of the Republic, as of 2020, at the beginning of the 21st century, has the characteristics that will put our country forward in our borders and the human hurricanes we live in.

“There is nothing in my eyes; I’m just a merit lover. “ Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

1920 At the beginning of Turkey attacking Western countries state founded by Ataturk inviting them to recognize our compliance and sovereignty to the values ​​of humanity, 100 years later before long, when sending a Western aid convoy in 2020, at this point people are faced with yapaylaştırılarak depletion dilemma left. The lost humanity has begun to threaten the individual person as well.

During the period of liberation and the resurrection that followed, when the country was struggling in poverty, there was no money, no stamps, no equipment, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk trusted only one reality: human. What he did, he did and built by mobilizing the human element and adding value to it. Man meant infinite energy, indispensable values. Human was a value and was worth Human. The fact that he gave priority to communication in his actions was the most important proof of the priority he gave to human value. When one could be persuaded, directly communicated, that one person called other people as well.

In any case, the Republic glorified the people, human societies, contrary to the Monarchic structure, which was based on servitude, subjection and devaluing people.

“Masters!”, Which is the number one subject of Atatürk’s rhetoric. his expression was the symbol of his glorifying view of Man. Human; Is the Master.

The expression “Budun da Budun boldi” (People became the people too), which was first mentioned in the Tonyukuk Inscription (MS.720) among the Turks, was the first example of how the people were elevated to where they should be. The Turks have always demonstrated what they have created (culture, language, states, etc.) in a struggle for humanitarian solidarity, under the difficult life conditions shaped by desolate and waterless steppes. What was essential in the Legend of Creation of the Turks and the Legend of Oğuz Kağan was Human with all its universal reality.

“I am only a lover of merit” and “Valuing man, not stone, land!” “Their determinations contain an extremely strong emphasis and show the superior value and importance given to human beings.

Turkey’s Future, working to shape through the concepts of human and Value Ataturk, the Turks historical research are also a result of not only Turkey, the first human homeland is considered Central Asia, seeing humanity as a common ancestry and roots Human, Human Values ​​and humanity concepts in a pot It has synthesized it by melting it and left it to us a universal legacy of thought.

The book is about “How?” It is a detailed examination of the answers that can be given to the question.

While starting the Türk Evi Yayınları Atatürk References series with the book Atatürk and Human Value, the titles that will continue will be the issues that have not come to the fore about our Founder until now.

More than 300 leaders headed the Turkish states. It is the five fingers of a hand that leave written legacies other than poems. While Oğuz Kağan became legendary, the inscriptions of Bilge Tonyukuk and Bilge Kağan, the writings of Babür and Ekber Shahs, and the books written by Atatürk are the shepherd fires sent to the times; are the secrets of our goals. Karahanlı, Altınorda inns, Gazneli, Mamluk, Seljuk, Timurid, Ottoman sultans, the Safavid shahs of poetry writing Hun, Babur and Turkey presidents of Mongolia with the düzyazıl works, China, the most valuable typing both have made both the history of India and Turkey they left a legacy.

12 thousand pages of work consisting of articles and speeches, documents, telegrams, circulars, declarations, memories, speeches and statements, decisions, letters, interviews, interviews, correspondence, statements, minutes, interviews, books, which came out of Atatürk’s mouth and pen, What he left to us and entrusted to the future through youth is the expression of the human value of thousands of years accumulated in all Turkish states.







































ATATÜRK AND SUN TZU: Comparative Analysis of Martial Art


The first known strategist in history, Sun Tzu’s book Art of War, which has shown a strategy to different cultures with his approach to the enemy in today’s global competition and his philosophy of war, is the number one reference source for war (and competition) strategies. The actors of the war in Sun Tzu’s book “The Art of War” are the Chinese and the Turks.

Turks, on the other hand, fought ceaselessly until they came to Ataturk, but they did not write about their wars. 2500 years after Sun Tzu, Ataturk, with his applications and evaluations about the Art of War, has opened the way to provide a basis for comparing the practices of the Chinese and Turks, the oldest masters of the Art of War.


By Sun Tzu’s military doctrine, our founder, Mustafa Kemal decided that Atatürk taken on careers, interpreted the competitive outlook and war philosophy of winning victory in the War of Independence, it offers against their rivals, Turkey interpretation of Strategy holistic identity, allowing us to use the essence of our resources effectively will give us the opportunity to develop our corporate identity in line with our roots.


Mission in Atatürk; In Sun Tzu, the vision is limited to victory in a narrow sense, while Atatürk has taken the war out of the battlefields with the concept of real victory, and made the war not only concerned with the soldiers, but made the nation and the people all actors of the war. Compared to Ataturk’s vision, which surpasses the strategy, Sun Tzu does not seem to have surpassed the technical and tactical level.


The study also drew attention to the differences between Sun Tzu and Atatürk in similar aspects. The points where they merged and diverged have been scanned and interpreted based on the decisions they made in extensive sources.


Although the periodic differences of Atatürk and Sun Tzu are minimized in the text, factors that make a difference between them depending on the different conjunctures, the periods and reasons of the wars that created them, were frequently encountered during the study.


It should not be expected that the views of the army of Sun Tzu, who were commissioned by emperors or princes for booty, on the victory, and Atatürk’s army, which was created from a defeated imperial army and had the last chance to save his country.


The difference of the term victory, which is different from the two commanders, forms the center of the differences that emerge throughout the work. The choices made by the commanders between defense and attack, while the Sun Tzu does not mention the concept of pursuit, Atatürk’s strict adherence to the principle of absolute follow-up and annihilation constitute effective examples of these interpretation differences arising from the conjuncture differences of the two thinkers.


The most striking difference in the study was the difference in vision between the two commanders. While the aim of Sun Tzu is to gain superiority to the enemy in combat, Atatürk’s aim is to win the war. Enemy extermination, persistent aggression and pursuit emerged as a result of Atatürk’s broad vision.


It has also been surprising to see great identifications in the text, apart from the difference of two thousand five hundred years between them. The decisions taken by the two commanders who served history coincide with each other before, after and during the war, and it is underlined that the structure that can take aggressive and disciplined initiative will achieve victory.


Another striking feature is the importance that both commanders attach to the changeability of their plans in the ongoing process, following the preparation of their foundations in the planning phase. A striking difference in tactics and other areas is the importance given to factors other than its own power, such as the terrain and the state of the enemy, in Sun Tzu, although the war in Atatürk was planned by considering its own resources and its own situation.



As a result, the study has shown that the two leaders have striking similarities, rather than differences, in both leadership and management. In these similarities, while the importance given to spiritual power by Atatürk is visibly higher than Sun Tzu, Sun Tzu’s emphasis on the indispensability of the discipline within the organizational structure is more than Atatürk.


Considering the differences, the most important phenomenon can be defined as Atatürk’s seeking victory with the destruction of the enemy as a determinant feature, and in Sun Tzu, seeing the enemy’s withdrawal from the battlefield as necessary and sufficient conditions for victory.


War is a phenomenon that has existed since the creation of man. Throughout history, all the material and spiritual developments, scientific and moral advances failed to eliminate the ongoing wars between people, and even caused it to strengthen both technologically and intellectually, increase its spreading area and power of destruction. Drawing attention to this situation, some authors described the history of humanity as a “history of wars” and throughout history many thinkers, soldiers and statesmen wrote various works on what war is, its place in the historical course, its impact on the social and economic cycle and the art of war .


Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War”, known as “the world’s oldest book of war strategies”, is one of the most important of these works. This work, which is one of the famous Chinese classics and considered to be the basis of all modern military strategies, is It is known that it was written during the “Warring Provinces” period (the period of the Chou Dynasty), which lived between the 5th and 3rd centuries BC. It is also considered as “the road to extinction” and for this reason it is said that “it is inevitable to examine it in depth”.

  1. Ö. Sun Tzu, a great Chinese strategist (military philosopher) who lived in the 500s, introduced the first theories in the science of strategy in his famous work «The Art of War».


He grew up as a military strategist in China during the constant raids of Sun Tzu Turks, who lived in China 2500 years ago, between 78-711 B.C. and matured his thoughts by studying the Turkish armies. B.C. He is famous for his work “The Art of War” written in 500 years. Listing the principles and principles of war, this work preserves its importance and value in the modern age.


It is a magnificent book that should be read not only by soldiers or researchers, but also by everyone in today’s business world, especially in executive positions.


In addition to Sun Tzu’s The Art of War (500 B.C.) as a source in the study, our founder Mustafa Kemal Atatürk between the years 1908-1938;


  • that they have signed,
  • what he wrote,
  • what you say,
  • your personal notes,
  • his orders on battlefields,
  • His statements to the press,
  • private conversations,
  • personal memories,
  • his statements during the period he directed wars


A systematic database has been created by scanning and gathering them together. Atatürk’s practices and evaluations about the Art of War are abstracted from place and time. Again, in the comments, it is generalized by using the concepts of enemy Turks instead of Greeks / Army instead of Turkish Army.








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