HomeBEYOND TURKEYGlobal Ideas Center- Cyprus

Global Ideas Center- Cyprus

The three Mediterraneans in question; Mediterranean Basin (Mediterrane), New Mediterranean (Pacific) and Silk Road (Turkestan) geographies are united through the “Center of the World Cyprus” with the 21st century.
Despite the Western Atlantic powers that created the concepts of Central Asia and the Middle East in the 19th and 20th centuries for their own interests, the ancient reality of thousands of years since ancient times, the meaning of those called Mediterrane (Mediterranean) and Zhongguo (China).
The Center of the World, the rare island of the Mediterranean, Cyprus, with its location holding the center of the Cradle of Civilizations, has a global potential as the intellectual treasure of the Basin.
The comparative advantage of Cyprus is its location and opportunity as an island of ideas, a paradise of contemplation, and a production center for high-value ideas.
It is extremely important that European philosophy from the continents surrounding the Mediterranean cannot be grasped without the development process that took place elsewhere and passed to Europe. The beginnings of the development of Western philosophy lie in the region that the Hellenes called the Orient (Anatole). The first center here was Miletos. Thales, Anaximandros and Anaximenes became the first philosophers in the history of philosophy with their intellectual activity and the problems they faced.
The second and main center was in Europe: Athens. However, the third center right after that, Alexandria (Alexandria), is again in Egypt outside the borders of Europe, and Baghdad, which follows it, is a little deeper in the Orient. Source: Elmar Holenstein, Atlas of Philosophy, Spaces and Ways of Thinking, June 2015, Istanbul, Küre Publications
Cyprus, located in the middle of the Miletus-Alexandria-Baghdad triangle; It is in a position to reproduce the intellectual heritage of Asia Minor-Greater Asia-Africa. Cyprus has started to accumulate an important intellectual infrastructure over the years by providing education to the students of the countries in the triangle in question at the universities on the island. Starting from the coming years, targeting the world’s first place in intellectual activities of this accumulation should be put on the agenda.
The subject of science diplomacy, mentioned by our teacher Mehmet Hasgüler, is the golden key. The fact that students receive education in 110 countries in the TRNC has made it a UN position. Southern Cyprus has no such concerns and advantages, nor can it be. In fact, the TRNC has undertaken a full UN Mission in terms of bringing together the universities and countries that host students from 110 countries. While UN 5 forces are located in the south of the island, university education is given to students from 110 countries, like the UN, in the north. The mission “The world is bigger than 5” becomes reality on the island itself.
The issue of recruiting faculty and students from 110 countries is very important. There has been an incredible attack on science diplomacy and TRNC universities in the international arena, and recently a similar situation has started due to competition from the homeland, which is really thought-provoking. On the other hand, the number of universities on this subject in the Greek Cypriot Administration is few. Source: Ardan Zentürk Moderator Night https://twitter.com/yirmidorttv/status/1155961923424288769 Prof Mehmet Hasgüler. Are we aware of the importance of science diplomacy? Cyprus Newspaper 26 August 2019
Our knowledge shows that the mental conditions for philosophizing began in Africa. The most important contribution of the African continent to philosophy is the ability to speak. Having the ability to speak means that a person has the cognitive ability to not only understand but also reveal every philosophy that has developed since the Axial Age 2500 years ago. Early humans, who spread from Africa to the rest of the world between 50,000 and 100,000 years ago, carried this ability with them. Source: Elmar Holenstein, Atlas of Philosophy, Spaces and Ways of Thinking, June 2015, Istanbul, Küre Publications
Cyprus, where Time and Grounds intersect, will bring out a universal Mind from the treasure of these intersections and will make it available to all humanity.
Despite the European Hegenomy, which only achieved 500 years of dominance by using external resources that did not belong to it; Mathematics and rationality of Asia Minor, symbolized by Miletus; Diophantus mathematics symbolized by Alexandria, Pythagorean wisdom (sophia) and Harezmi mathematics symbolized by Baghdad, wisdom of Beytül Hikme; The Afrasia Millennium, which emerged from its own resources in Cyprus, the Center of the World, from the beginning of the 21st century, is preparing to take its place in history as the 3rd millennium. The richness of thought of Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia and Transoxiana is being reshaped on the island of Cyprus.
All innovations (paper, printing press, gunpowder, compass) to Europe were carried from Greater Asia by the Silk Road and the Iron Silk Road, which will be operational from 2035, will connect the New Mediterranean (Pacific Ocean) with the Cyprus-based Mediterranean. While Turkey in Asia Minor was knitted with iron nets in the 1935s, a century later, the 2035s will mark the beginning of a new era, the Silk Road Age, in which Greater Asia will connect the oceans with railways.
Ancient Greek civilization emerged from the Mediterranean Civilization, which was common among the nations living on the Mediterranean coast, which was formed with the help of the Egyptians, Sumerians, Hittites, Assyrians and Phoenicians in the early ages, and the ancient Roman civilization from the Greek civilization. After it was divided into two as Eastern Rome and Western Rome, the Europeans, who were the heirs of Western Rome, adopted this civilization and advanced it. Source: Ziya Gökalp, Principles of Turkism, Ministry of National Education Press, 1st Edition. Istanbul 1976, p. 48. 132 Ibid. NS. 136
Eastern Rome, on the other hand, was continued as the Seljuk and then the Ottoman Empires by the Turks, who stretched from Far Asia to Asia Minor, with the victories of 1071 and 1453. Thus, the Mediterranean Civilization, as a unique civilization with many components, has a history of ten thousand years and dynamic interactions.
Skopje (Macedonia), where Turkish culture is extremely strong as in Cyprus, is the birthplace of Yahya Kemal Beyatlı, one of the greatest poets and intellectuals of Turkish poetry. Yahya Kemal, who sees his geography within the Mediterranean civilization basin, strives to reach the universal, especially through this thesis. He realistically determined the borders (misak-ı milli) and then the milestone (1071 and 1453) of the homeland, from which he claimed to have been created as an indivisible whole by the religion and the nation, and included it in the European civilization through the Mediterranean basin with a final effort. Of course, while establishing this synthesis, he takes care not to overlap with any doctrine, theory, and not to construct theories that will impose responsibility on himself. Source: Yahya Kemal, ‘Letters, Articles’, Istanbul Fetih Cemiyeti Publications. 2017. pp.259
Homeland is never a theory, it is a land. The earth is the tomb of the ancestors. It is where mosques are built. Industry is the exhibition of what has been done in the name of nafise (Fine Arts).”
Source: Kadrican Mendi, Yahya Kemal’s Politics
“Yahya Kemal’s contemplation is on the lines of Vienna, Budin, Belgrade, Istanbul, Baghdad, Basra. Yahya Kemal Bey’s reflective side is also important; It has prose style writings.” Source: Ömer Tuğrul İnanç (October 14, 2016, TRT Music)
We are at the dawn of the 3000’s. While the dawn was getting brighter, the first lights of the period, when ideas and information were more valuable, started to appear with the 21st century. The geography of Turkey, where ideas first sprout, is one of the fertile geographies where five of the first ten thinkers to be born live. The result of the gene diversity and richness in the pool of the peninsulas of Turkey (Rumelia, Anatolia) at the crossing point of the continents (Europe, Asia, Africa) is likewise richness and diversity of thought.
The first essay on the Encyclopedia of Universal Thinkers begins with 2600 years of experience, beginning with Tales of Miletus, the first known philosopher born in 624 BC. Among the top 10 great philosophers, the first 3 and 5 in total are from the geography of Turkey. Philosophy started in Turkey.
a. Thales, Miletus
b. Anaximander, Miletus
c. Pythagoras, island of Samos
d. Laozi
e. Confucius
f. Sun Wu
g. Heraclitus, Ephesus
h. Parmenides
i. Anaxagoras, Klazomenai, Urla
j. Protagoras
Source: Xue Xiaoyuan, Dr. The Charisma of 100 Philosophers. 2018. China Pictorial Press.
The Mediterranean is the basin of global ideas, the source of ideas, the memory of humanity’s ideas. Philosophy-science, the discipline of human systematic thought, was initiated by Aristotle on the shores of the Mediterranean. Cyprus, the carrier of a huge legacy, is a candidate for global leadership in the production of ideas in this way. The strong is right and being strong is only possible with globalism. The Turkish Empire (Ottoman Dynasty) took the lead in treating the Mediterranean as a global repository for the unlimited recruitment of human and therefore ideas.
In terms of language, religion, race, sect and disposition, starting from Edirne (1363), the principle of non-humanity from Ebu Hanife ensured the sustainability of the Mediterranean Empire of the Turks for centuries. Edirne prepared the conquest of Istanbul. According to the 60/40 non-Muslim/Muslim combination, the common living style is taken as a basis. Within the framework of the principle of humanity of the Hanafi sect, all people have indispensable rights and this principle came to life in Edirne. Europe’s 2nd largest Synagogue and Selimiye Mosque are in Edirne. Ahl hanefi. The People of the Book. The inviolability of people’s rights and freedoms The principle of non-humanity was applied for the first time in Edirne and brought to Istanbul. Source: Edirne Governor Günay Özdemir Avrasya One: 18 February 2017 Civilizations Partnership https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cg804XHaPpI
The richness of the past heritage and the self-confidence brought about by the experience is the assurance that the Turks, who have been on the Mediterranean coast since 1221, will reproduce their global thinking practices in the coming years, starting with Cyprus.
The Turks, who have the longest coastline on the Mediterranean coast and the heartland of Cyprus, have developed the tradition of creating and spreading ideas, which they have accumulated with the tradition of Kaman (Shaman), Bilge, Abdal, Alperen, Eren, Derviş, Dede, Veli, Scholars, which they have developed starting from Greater Asia, They will continue with Yesevi tables in Cyprus.
At the starting point of the Silk (Wisdom) Road, starting with Bilge Tonyukuk in the Yunzhong Chugay mountains along the 41st parallel and passing through Yusuf Has Hacip (Turkestan), Yesevi Ahmet (Piri Turkistan), Haci Bektas-i Veli, Yunus Emre (Diyar-ı Rum) once again the intellectual riches described as Mediterranean Civilization with Yahya Kemal Beyatlı in Rumeli; We will blend it in Cyprus, in the center of the Mediterranean Crucible.
Britain (United Kingdom) on which the sun never sets is an island state in the Atlantic Ocean. Starting from the 1500s and especially in the 1600s, this island state has become to rule the whole world based on the power of thought. Francis Bacon in Philosophy and Science (1561-1626), John Locke in Political Science (1632-1704), Isaac Newton in Natural Sciences (1643-1727), Adam Smith in Economics (1723-1790), Charles Darwin in Evolutionary Theory (1809-1882), They are English thinkers who order the world with their thoughts. The sole power of thought has caused the English language to become a universal language.
Cyprus, an island state, has incredible lessons to be learned from these developments. Cyprus is the island of thought;
• Greater Asia (Silk Road, Turkestan, Transoxiana, Khorasan, Mesopotamia, Rumelia),
• Asia Minor (Anatolia),
• Africa
It will rise to the position of the intellectual center of the Afrasian Millennium by feeding on the legacies of thought.
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