Balkan Scholars

Abasıyanık, Sait Faik Turkish Storyteller (1906-1954)
Abdülhak Molla, Turkish physician, divan poet (1786-1853)
Adıvar, Halide Edip Turkish novelist (1884-1964)
Aeschylus (B. 525-456) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Aeschylus: Greek Tragedy poet (525-456 BC)
Ahi, Hasan of Niğbolu: Turkish Divan poet (1476-1517)
Ahmet Haşim: Turkish poet (?-1497)
Aisopos: Ancient Greek fairy tale writer (around 570
Alexander the Great
Alkidamas (Io. century) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Alkmeon (VI. Century B.C.) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Amphidos Or Amphis (Fourth Century B.C.) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Andric, Ivo, Yugoslav writer
Antiphanes: Ancient Greek poet, comedy writer ( BC 408/ 5?-334/1?)
Antiphon (480-411) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Antisthenes (BC 444-365) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Apollonius, Rhodesian : Ancient Greek orator and poet (222-181 BC)
Archilokos: Ancient Greek poet and satirist (VII. Century BC)
Aristippos (İö.435-366/355) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Aristophanes (448/445 BC) – 388/385) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Aristotle (BC 384-322) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Astydamas (İö. IV.) Century) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Aşık Veysel, Turkish Folk Poet, (1894-
Ataç, Nurullah: Turkish essayist and critic (1898-1957)
Atatürk, Mustafa Kemal: Turkish Statesman First President (1881-1938)
Atay, Fatih Rıfkı: Turkish Writer and journalist (1894-1971)
Bener, H Erhan, Turkish novelist and storyteller, 1928-
Beyatlı, Yahya Kemal: Turkish Poet (1884-1958)
Bias (B. 625-520) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Bias of Priene (around 66)
Bion: Ancient Greek Poet. (300?-100? BC)
Chudomir, Bulgarian story writer
Croesus: King of Lydia (around 560 BC)
Csatho, Kalman: Hungarian playwright and novelist (1881-1964)
Csiky, Gergely, Hungarian Playwright (1842-1891)
Çamlıbel, Faruk Nafiz: Turkish poet (1898-)
Dede Korkut
Democritus (ca. 460-370 BC) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Demosthenes: Greek orator (385-322 BC)
Dimitrov, Bulgarian Statesman
Diogenes Laertios (Approx. III-Century) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Diogenes: Ancient Greek philosopher (Around 44 BC)
Diphilos (Approx. IV.-III. Century) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Dranas, Ahmet Muhip: Turkish poet (1909-)
Eflatun (Plato): Ancient Greek philosopher (428-347 BC)
Epicharmos (540-450 BC) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Epictetus (Is.40-125) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Epicurus: Ancient Greek philosopher (342-270 BC)
Ersoy, Mehmet Akif, Turkish poet
Euripides: Ancient Greek playwright (480-406 BC)
Eyüboğlu, Bedri Rahmi, Turkish poet and writer (1913-
Fuzuli (Mehmet): Turkish divan poet (1495-?1556)
Gardony, Geza: Hungarian writer (1863-1922)
Gavran, Miro, contemporary Croatian writer
Güntekin, Reşat Nuri : Turkish novelist, storyteller and playwright (1889-1956)
Gürpınar, Hüseyin Rahmi: Turkish novelist (1864-1944)
Hacı Bayram-ı Veli: Turkish mystic (1352-1429)
Hatemi (Edirneli İbrahim): Turkish divan poet (XVII.YY)
Haytov, Nikolay, Bulgarian story writer
Heraclitus: Ancient Greek philosopher (536-470 BC)
Herczeg, Ferenc : Hungarian Novelist and playwright (1863-?)
Herodotus: Ancient Greek historian (484-424 BC)
Hesiod : Ancient Greek poet (VIII.YY BC)
Hippocrates: Ancient Greek physician (460-357 BC) )
Hisar, Abdlhak Şinasi: Turkish novelist and writer (1883-1963)
Hivzi Suleimani, Kosovar Albanian Writer
Homer: Ancient Greek epic poet (8th century BC)
Iamblikhos (I.V. Century) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Ionesco, Eugene: Romanian origin french playwright (1912-.)
Isocrates (BC 436-338) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Istrati, Panait, Romanian writer of stories and novels
İzzetbegovic, Aliya , Bosnian Statesman
Jokai, Purple: Hungarian novelist (1825-1904)
Kadare, Ismail, 1936 Gjirokaster Albanian-born writer.
Karacaoğlan: Turkish folk poet (1606-?1679)
Karay, Refik Halit, Turkish novelist
Katibi, Turkish Folk Poet, 17th century
Kelmendi, Ramiz, Kosovar Albanian Writer, İpek (1930-)
Kemal Paşazade, Turkish Divan Poet (? –1533) )
Khilon (VI century BC) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Kisfaludy,Karoly: Hungarian playwright, storyteller (1788-1830)
Kish, Danilo, Yugoslav writer (1935-1989)
Kleanthes (BC 331-232) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Kleobulos ( Vl century BC) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Konstantinov Konstantin, Bulgarian story writer
Kritias (V. Century BC) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Lukianos, ancient Greek satirist ( 120-180)
Lysias (BC.445-380) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Mahmut Nedim Pasha, Turkish vizier, divan poet, 1818-1883
Menander: Ancient Greek poet (342-291 BC)
Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi: Turkish Sufi poet (1207-1273)
Mikszath,Kalman: Hungarian Novelist (1847-1910)
Miletos Thales, Ancient Greek Philosopher
Mimnermus: Ancient Greek poet (630-600 BC)
Mousonios (1st century BC) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Muallim Feyzi, Turkish Divan Poet, 1842-1910
Nahifi, Turkish Divan Poet (?-1738)
Namık Kemal: Turkish national poet (1840-1888)
Ongun, Cemil Sena, Turkish philosopher and writer, (1894- )
Ovidius, Publius: Roman poet (BC 43-AD 18)
Pausanias ( II century AD) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Pelin, Elin Bulgarian story writer
Periandros (BC 668-585) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Periandros of Corinth ) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Phaborinos (II century AD) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Phaedrus (Phaedrus) (B. 15- 1/Is.54/68) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Philemon (BC 361-262) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Phokylides (VI century B.C.) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Pindaros (BC 522/518-446) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Pir Sultan Abdal: Turkish Sufi poet (XVI.YY)
Pittacus: Ancient Greek poet, one of the seven judges (652-569 BC)
Pittakos (648-569 BC) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Pittakos of Lesbos, Ancient Greek Philosopher
Plato Ancient Greek Philosopher
Plutarch: Ancient Greek moralist and life story writer
Pythagoras (VI century BC) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Radichkov, Yordan, Bulgarian story writer
Ragıp Pasha, Turkish Divan Poet (1699-1763)
Ratip Pasha, Turkish Divan Poet (?-1761)
Raychev, Georgi, Bulgarian story writer
Ruhsati, Turkish Folk Poet, 1856-1899
Sabit (Bosnian Alaeddin) Turkish divan poet (1650-1712)
Safa, Peyami: Turkish novelist and writer (1899-1961)
Sakallı Celal, Turkish philosopher
Sappho: Ancient Greek poetess (612-?)
Selimovic, Meşa, Bosnian novelist
Seyrani, Turkish Folk Poet, 1807-1866
Sheikh, Turkish divan poet (1371-1431)
Simonides (556-467 BC) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Socrates: Ancient Greek philosopher (469-399 BC)
Soleimani, Hivzi, Kosovar Albanian Writer, Mitrovica (1910-9
Solon (640-558 BC) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Sophocles : Ancient Greek tragedy poet and playwright (495-406)
Spartan Khilon
Stanev, Emilian, Bulgarian story writer
Stobaios (ISV Century) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Szabo, Dezso: Hungarian novelist (1879-1945)
Szigligeti, E.: Hungarian playwright (1815-1878)
Şahabettin, Cenap : Turkish poet and writer (1870-1934)
Şatiroğlu, Aşık Veysel: Turkish folk poet (1894-)
Şeyhülislam Yahya
Şinasi, Turkish Poet and Journalist, 1826-1871
Şkreli, Azem , Kosovar Albanian writer, Ipek (1938-)
Talev, Dimitir Bulgarian story writer
Tarancı, Cahit Sıtk, Turkish Poet (1910-1956)
Tevfik Fikret: Turkish poet (1867-1915)
Thales (624-545 BC) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Theages (VI century BC) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Themistocles: Athenian statesman, orator (514?-449 BC)
Theognis (Approx. Vil Century BC) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Theokritos (III. Century BC) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Thucydides (BC. 460-440) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Timokreon (V. Century B.C.) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Tito, Josip Broz Yugoslav Statesman
Xenophanes (570-475 BC) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Xenophon (430-355 BC) Ancient Greek Philosopher
Yovkov, Yordan, Bulgarian story writer
Yunus Emre, Turkish Sufi poet (1250-1320)
Ziya Pasha, Turkish Wiseman

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