HomeBEYOND TURKEYAdile Ayda and Etruscs

Adile Ayda and Etruscs

Adile Ayda (7 March 1912 – 5 November 1992) was the first woman career diplomat of Turkey, but is today better remembered as an Etruscologist. She became interested in Etruscan studies while stationed in Rome as the Minister-Counsellor of the Turkish Embassy, did research on the subject during her stay in Italy and wrote down her findings in a number of books, in Turkish and in French.

What is spectacular about her texts on Etruscans and renders them of interest is that she posits the Etruscans as Turkic, a proposition that is as controversial today as it was during her lifetime.

Further Source:  https://artsandculture.google.com/entity/adile-ayda/m02qh084?hl=en

Works on Etruscs
  • Les Étrusques Étaient-ils des Turcs? Paris: 1971.
  • Etrüskler Türk mü idiler? Ankara: Türk Kültürünü Araştırma Enstitüsü Yayınları, 1974.
  • Les Étrusques Étaient des Turcs. Preuves. Ankara: 1985.
  • Etrüskler (Tursakalar) Türk idiler. İlmî Deliller. Ankara: 1992.

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